Sustainable Practises in the Engineering Trade


Sustainable Practises in the Engineering Trade

Symbolic image of a green planet Earth with arrows indicating sustainable practices in engineering
With sustainability such a hot topic in the world right now, especially when it comes to the mining and engineering industry, people are wondering how those industries plan on making their practices more sustainable?

In December 2021, energy giant Worley announced that it is pivoting to a high value solutions provider with a major focus on sustainability.

They further highlighted their key aspirations, which focused heavily on “fostering an inclusive, safe, inspirational and innovative workplace as well as committing to reaching net zero scope one and two emissions by 2030 played a key role”, according to an article by oil and gas today.

Whilst Worley’s current low- carbon energy sources come from nuclear power and integrated gas, the company aspires to expand this to include low-carbon hydrogen, power networks and renewable energy.

Investing in carbon capture use and storage and green hydrogen is also on the companies agenda.

And they aren’t the only company trying to minimise their carbon footprint by implementing greener strategies.

Mining giant BHP are also trying to improve their impact on the environment by exiting the oil and gas industry. This is a huge step for this company, as they are one of the world’s largest resource companies.

They have made a $40 billion deal with Woodside Petroleum to offload it’s entire oil and gas portfolio. This merger will include BHP’s entire petroleum division across Australia, North Africa and the Americas.

The merger is expected to be completed by June 2022, but is still awaiting approval by shareholders.

When asked for a quote on the demand for the industry to make greener choices, Trade Skills Australia’s Compliance, Sales and Marketing Director Layke Rossiello said “Innovation is a key to success in the current changing climate of the engineering trades workers. With these new construction projects, and new approaches to minerals in general, there’s no shortage of need for all of the engineering trades across Australia. Tradies that think outside the square and bring their own green practices to their work environment would certainly be looked upon favourably when they’re ready to enter the job market for their completed qualification”.

Are you looking to get your trade certification? Trade Skills Australia can help. We can help you gain your Mechanical trade certificate, and a vast variety of other qualifications via RPL, to help you get your dream job.

Want to read more? Head over to the articles section on our website for more interesting reads.

Is it time to get the job you want with the qualification you need? Contact us and find out how we can help you today!

What are the best Safety Tools for Construction Sites?


What are the best Safety Tools for Construction Sites?

A crane working on a building under construction, illustrating the process of urban development and construction engineering
Construction sites are one of the busiest and most hazardous work environments in Australia and injuries in construction areas are prone to happen unexpectedly. Since 2015, cuts and open wounds, sprains and strains, and chronic joint or muscle conditions are the primary work-related injuries experienced by workers in the construction industry. These injuries are mainly caused by hitting or being hit by an object, lifting, pushing or pulling objects, and falling from heights.

A recent Australian Construction Report showed that an average of 33 workers are seriously injured each day. The majority of workers are involved in cases of falls from height, vehicle collision, and electrocution. In this dangerous workplace, it’s up to management and coworkers to ensure the health and safety of everyone on site. In line with that, everyone must be aware of the various safety tools and tips to be safe and stay productive at work.

Construction safety tools have a significant role in ensuring worker’s safety at work. That is why more companies are working to develop and improve construction safety for better production.

Best Safety Tools For Construction Sites

Take a close look at the best safety tools in construction sites. These are the newest construction safety innovations that will be launched soon!

1. Construction safety halo

Safety halo is the number 1 safety tool for work operations done at night. In construction sites, less visibility of workers posed more hazards to them.

The Illumagear halo light is usually placed from a laborer’s head or on top of their hat. This tool is a totally game-changing lighting system that is incomparable, reliable, and more convenient than anything else in the market.

Illumagear Halo Light lets the worker be spotted at a distance of over a quarter of a mile and provides 360 degrees of illumination all night long. The powerful light is helpful for the driver to spot the workers at a sufficient distance with enough time to slow down.

With its powerful lighting, it is surprisingly light enough not to weigh down the hardhat. The best thing about it is that illumagear fits many popular hardhats. Simply attach it to a hardhat, and everyone will see you coming.

2. Construction safety in reverse

Backing up heavy equipment is critical in construction sites. In fact, fatal accidents in construction sites are caused by being struck by a vehicle. A piece of heavy equipment backing up is dangerous because many blind spots forced drivers to be unaware of their surroundings.

The Track vision tools are specialised cameras for heavy equipment. Construction equipment needs a track vision system so that drivers can have a 115 point of view. It features the recording of video that is helpful in times of an accident. You do not need to rely on eyewitness accounts. 

3. Construction safety drone

Trade Skills Australia - Construction safety drone

Drones are not just used in some typical taping for movies or racing as a teens game. Drones are now used in a new comprehensive perspective for a construction site. You can check every nook of the construction site, even if you are miles away. You can check the braces on scaffolding so that you don’t need to send a man hanging to do so. It can improve situational awareness in the team because it gives so much information.

4. Construction safety phone

Trade Skills Australia - Construction safety phone

The CAT S60 Smartphone is not just matched from a different brand of phones we used. It is a recommended tool to see heat in the infrared spectrum, which can indicate a catastrophe.  

The construction safety phone of CAT 360 is said to be more innovative because it has an integrated FLIR thermal camera that gives the expected smartphone amenities. This smartphone features water resistance from five meters and is very useful on a construction job site.

5. Construction safety app

Trade Skills Australia -  Construction safety app

Equipchat is an AI tool that helps to manage the equipment status. This software assists in easily managing all maintenance schedules, hours of work, equipment, and so much more. There is also a recommended mobile app accessible to use in the office, trailer, or field.

Equipchat is designed to provide seamless reporting and data management in the construction industry. It features notification and alerts when problems arise, faster report modification, and an efficient scoreboard system.

Safety tools are vital, but knowledge in staying safe in a hazardous construction site is formidable.  

Construction safety tips

Here are the various ways you can ensure a safe construction site. 

1. Always wear correct protective gear

Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can lessen minor and major injury on the job site. PPE protects the workers from falling objects, inhaling dust, protecting the eyes, and so on. These will help workers to ensure safety and do their work productively. This should also include ear protection, helmet, knee pads, and hi-vis jackets, as well as safety goggles for facial protection.

2. Health and safety training

Training for health and safety must be done and prioritised before going on a respective job site. Construction workers must attend this program to increase awareness and become fully competent to avoid risks. The training also specialises in using first aid and how to conduct basic life-saving techniques if necessary so that everyone will be ready in case of an emergency. 

3. Correctly construct and maintain scaffolding

Constructing scaffolding is necessary and should not be done with shortcuts. It should be built on stable or flat ground with solid footing to prevent the risk of collapsing. Be sure to maintain and repair the damages of structure from time to time and ensure that all workers have passed through on training to build accurate and safe scaffolding. 

4. Display clear signs

Signs are beneficial and essential on a construction site. Thus, the use of highlighting every hazard with the help of posters is extremely efficient. This typically warns everyone to keep a distance from any under-construction area to prevent injuries. Signs are the most simple and effective measures of reducing accidents.

5. Inspect tools and equipment regularly

Prevention is better than the cure. Regular inspection of tools will prevent them malfunctioning, protecting the workers.. Workers rely on the use of tools to do their job effectively. If this equipment is unsafe or broken, it will likely cause accidents. It is both the responsibility of the workers and employer to maintain the tools and equipment with no defects to prevent all serious injuries.

6. Stimulate proper communication

Communication enables an employee to keep safe while at work. This strategy provides easy access to inform and warn everyone what is actually happening in their respective area.  Communicating to identify potential risks will reduce the possibility of arising massive injuries or worse, fatalities. Everyone must have a clear connection with one another to address the problem smoothly.

Is it time to do a risk assessment?

Every business or construction site needs to assess and undertake a risk assessment. . Managing risks at work is a regular procedure such as changing work practices, recommencing operations following a shutdown, responding to the workplace of incidence, and responding to any concerns raised by workers and other personnel. 

Risk assessment should be viewed periodically in managing environment changes over time with response to health and safety protocols in the workplace. All workers should participate and provide feedback during a risk assessment.  After all, maintaining a safe construction site is everyone’s duty.

Free Qualification Check Australia


Free Qualification Check Australia


When you seek out a  pre-enrolment eligibility check in Australia, you might discover that you have practically all the skills required to obtain an Australian qualification that could create new employment opportunities. If you’ve been working in engineering-related fields such as boiler making, welding, or even plant design, you’ve probably acquired valuable skills and experience over time. Many of these skills may be the same or similar to what you might learn in a classroom environment. The only difference is that you learned in a hands-on manner — and you don’t have the paperwork to show for it.

At Trade Skills Australia, we can help you assess your skills and determine whether you could pursue a prior learning assessment to earn an Australian qualification without additional and expensive training. Consider what makes that such a valuable proposition.

The Benefits of RPL Qualifications from Trade Skills Australia

Why try to convert your experience into an Australian qualification when you may be comfortably satisfied with your current job performance? Think about the future, and it becomes clear that RPL qualifications offer many benefits, such as:

    • You can skip expensive and unnecessary training to “re-learn” skills you already know. Why invest the money, and especially the time, necessary to sit through training sessions when you can prove you already know the material very well? Pricing. To have a skills assessment, RPL providers might first look at what skill needs assessing, your other certifications and also how long it will take to evaluate a bunch of aptitudes. We have a set price for Cert 3 Engineering, and if you wish to do an upgrade to MEM40119 Certificate IV In Engineering Mechanical Trade.
    • You could qualify yourself for advancement within your current employment setting or begin looking for more advanced work within your field. 
    • You can upgrade an existing qualification you have by demonstrating the advancement of your skills through experience in real work conditions.

What to Expect Regarding Our Prior Learning Assessment

What is our process like? With a streamlined approach designed to be as stress free as possible for our clients, pursuing an RPL is easy with our help. You can anticipate the following:

    • We’ll provide you with a pre-enrolment eligibility check at first to determine if you are a suitable candidate for an RPL. We never require an up-front fee just to get started. Certificates from a short course you have completed through on the job training.
    • We’ll work together with you to start assembling the portfolio you’ll need to prove your qualification. If any areas need shoring up, we can provide helpful suggestions on how to proceed. Your resumé with as many details about your skills as possible and any reference letters from employers and payslips.  
    • We thoroughly conduct your assessment and provide you with an excellent opportunity to win your RPL. We always look for the best ways to help our clients come away with an Australian qualification at the end of the process.

Why Trade Skills Australia is a Cost-Effective Option

With no fee to check your qualifications and no initial set-up fee, you can go deeper into the RPL process without over-committing your financial resources to the process. While we cannot guarantee outcomes, our aim is always to provide you with the best possible chance of obtaining a passing assessment. We respect your time, your budget, and the hard work you’ve done to build up your career to its current stage. Contact us today to learn more about the prior learning assessment process and the potential to take your work to the next level.

Trade Recognition Service


Trade Recognition Service


The Trades Recognition Service (TRS) is a type of skills assessment program for tradespeople who are actively engaged in their respective engineering trades. The TRS program is ideal for any resident in Australia who has the skills – but not the Australian qualification – needed to perform a specific job. Trades recognition can help everyone – from native Australians to long-time migrants and new arrivals – to have their prior learning and experience recognised and counted towards their new Australian certification. Trade Skills Australia offers trade skills recognition in NSW to assist individuals who are skilled but not qualified to find better jobs and move closer to achieving their professional goals.

Benefits of a Trade Certificate in Australia

Why do you need to be certified to work in licensed trades? Starting a career in a trade is a very hands-on experience; why not just learn as you go and rely on your experience to land jobs? Unfortunately, it isn’t quite that simple. Becoming certified in your field is an excellent way to learn in a structured way, ensuring that all bases are covered. It can also qualify you for important registrations and licenses. If you do have extensive prior experience, it can even contribute to your certification through Australian trade recognition. Here are some of the advantages of having a certificate in a specific trade.

    • You may be able to earn more money. Unsurprisingly, workers with certificates not only find it easier to become employed but also may find that they make more money than uncertified employees. By completing trade skills training, you can boost your income, no matter which trade you choose.
    • It may help you get a license. Having a trade license is a significant advantage. Today’s customers expect their tradies to hold licenses, and they’ll ask you about yours before securing your services. You may miss out on a large number of savvy potential customers without a license. While you may be able to pass the required tests and retain licensing through experience alone, you’ll be much more likely to succeed if you first complete the appropriate certificates in your field.
    • It demonstrates your work ethic. Just like having a license, being certified shows that your work ethic is strong. This is essential because it proves to customers that you don’t cut corners and do business the right way. It will be easier to build customer trust and loyalty, and your customers will be more likely to recommend you to their friends and family.
    • It may keep you safer on the job. Proper training and safety procedures can significantly reduce the risk of becoming injured at work. When you get an Australian Recognised Trade Certificate, it shows that you learned all the best practices in safety for your trade. Improving safety not only helps prevent injuries (to you and any people around you, both customers and co-workers), but it also enables you to avoid the missed work and lost income that may accompany an injury.
    • It can fill gaps in your knowledge. You may have years of experience under your belt without ever earning a certificate. Through your dedication and hard work, you’ve learned many things that certified, but less experienced tradies haven’t. However, there may still be gaps in your essential knowledge because of the unstructured way in which you’ve learned. The good news is that thanks to trade recognition, it can be much easier for you to earn your certification than for someone who is just starting in the field.

What You Can Expect from Trade Skills Australia Regarding Trade Recognition in NSW

When you plan to participate in a trade certification check or skills assessment, it helps to know what to expect and be prepared. There are two main stages of skills assessments: the documentary assessment and the skills assessment. What each stage involves can vary depending on your specific occupation. 

    • Documentary assessment. The documentary assessment stage is similar to submitting a CV for a new job. Basically, you’re providing documentation of the different aspects of your trade – for example, proof of work experience and financial evidence. You can prove work experience through documents such as employer references, photographs, or videos. Financial evidence may include wage slips, invoices, or tax documents.
    • Skills assessment. The skills assessment stage will differ depending on whether you are in a licensed or unlicensed trade. This stage is the main part of your evaluation. Its purpose is to give your examiners a clear idea of the skills that you possess and how much you understand about your trade. That way, they’ll know where the gaps in your knowledge are (if any) and how to integrate your existing expertise with the remainder of the education you need to achieve full certification.

What You Should Know About Trade Skills Recognition

When it comes to earning the qualification that you need to land better jobs, you should know that three main types of skills recognition can help you. These are:

    • Credit transfer. Credit transfer refers to the process of recognising the formal studies you have completed in the past that are the equivalent of one or more units that form part of the qualification you are trying to receive. For a credit transfer, you will be required to submit formal academic transcripts or the equivalent that show the units for which you are seeking credit transfer. If the equivalence is accepted, then you will not need to repeat those units of study. 
    • Recognition of current competency. Recognition of current competency is just what it sounds like: an assessment of your capacity to perform specific tasks. If you have previously completed the requirements for a module or unit of competency and now need to be reassessed to determine your skill level, this may apply. However, recognition of current competency applies only to specific certifications, such as First Aid, which remains current for a short time and then expire.
    • Recognition of prior learning. Your existing knowledge, experience, and skills can help you earn a qualification through this process, known as recognition of prior learning. You may be eligible to receive a full or partial qualification without going through formal training, depending on your skill level, saving you a considerable amount of time and money. This process is ideal for those who have significant work experience (paid or unpaid), prior formal training, community work experience, knowledge and skills gained on the job, or any other work or life experiences that have taught you key skills in a given trade.

Trade Skills Australia offers recognition of prior learning services in the engineering industry. 

What You Should Know About Trade Skills Recognition

When it comes to earning the qualification that you need to land better jobs, you should know that three main types of skills recognition can help you. These are:

    • Credit transfer. Credit transfer refers to the process of recognising the formal studies you have completed in the past that are the equivalent of one or more units that form part of the qualification you are trying to receive. For a credit transfer, you will be required to submit formal academic transcripts or the equivalent that show the units for which you are seeking credit transfer. If the equivalence is accepted, then you will not need to repeat those units of study. 
    • Recognition of current competency. Recognition of current competency is just what it sounds like: an assessment of your capacity to perform specific tasks. If you have previously completed the requirements for a module or unit of competency and now need to be reassessed to determine your skill level, this may apply. However, recognition of current competency applies only to specific certifications, such as First Aid, which remains current for a short time and then expire.
    • Recognition of prior learning. Your existing knowledge, experience, and skills can help you earn a qualification through this process, known as recognition of prior learning. You may be eligible to receive a full or partial qualification without going through formal training, depending on your skill level, saving you a considerable amount of time and money. This process is ideal for those who have significant work experience (paid or unpaid), prior formal training, community work experience, knowledge and skills gained on the job, or any other work or life experiences that have taught you key skills in a given trade.

Trade Skills Australia offers recognition of prior learning services in the engineering industry. 

Related Services We Provide to an Australian Trade Certificate

At Trade Skills Australia, we offer skills assessment and recognition services for the mechanical engineering and fabrication industries. We recognise prior learning for many different Australian qualifications, such as:

    • MEM 30319 Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (Welding). This qualification is for those working in the metal fabrication industry in oil and gas, maintenance, mining, marine, and more. Also known as structural steel and welding trades workers, welders cut, shape, and join metals such as iron and steel for many large and small projects. These workers may also repair small items such as watches and furniture or large items such as buildings and ships. People with this qualification hold job titles such as First-Class Welder, Heavy Welder, Structural Welder, and Pipe Welder.
    • MEM30319 Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (Surface Finishing). This qualification is for people who work in various sectors of the surface preparation and finishing industry. It covers mechanical and chemical surface preparation, including abrasive blasting and protective coating application. Common job titles for individuals with this qualification include Abrasive Blaster, Industrial Coater, Blaster Painter, Industrial Painter, Marine Painter, Industrial Spray Painter, and Powder Coater.
    • MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering Mechanical Trade (Machining). Candidates working in the mechanical engineering industry in marine, mining, or food processing may benefit from this qualification. A machining professional studies specifications and drawings to determine suitable methods, materials, machine settings, and sequences of operations for various machines. They may also fit fabricated components into assemblies, shape cutting tools, check for accuracy using precision measuring equipment and perform maintenance tasks on the machines. Someone with this qualification may hold a job title such as First-Class Machinist, CNC Machinist, CNC Lathe Operator, Manual Machinist, Milling Machinist, or Turner.
    • MEM40119 Certificate IV in Engineering. This qualification is for candidates who have honed their skills in their existing trade or added to their skillset from other trades. Depending on their areas of focus, they may possess advanced skills in design, manufacture, assembly, installation, testing, modification, commissioning, fault finding, and maintenance of machinery and equipment. This qualification is also ideal for people who have held leadership roles within the engineering, metal, manufacturing, and associated industries. Jobs within this certification may include CNC programming, maintenance, boilermaking, patternmaking, toolmaking, welding, and plant mechanic.

About Trade Skills Australia

At Trade Skills Australia, we provide trade skills recognition and recognition of prior learning within the engineering industry. We are passionate about offering exceptional and intensive skills management services to skilled but non-qualified workers in the engineering space, both nationally and internationally, to help open the door to better employment opportunities throughout Australia. It’s our greatest aspiration to deliver the best quality of service and provide essential trades recognition in NSW to help Australian workers. If you have prior learning in the engineering industry that you would like to have counted towards an official certification in your field, contact us today.

Skills Assessment


Skills Assessment

Trade Skills Australia - SKILLS ASSESSMENT
Taking a skills assessment is an excellent way to determine what techniques you need to focus on to build your career. The Trade Skills Australia team allows you to tap into practical trade skills you learned on the job to advance your professional opportunities.

Key Questions to Ask Trade Skills Australia Regarding Skill Recognition

Many of our clients come from backgrounds where they have never experienced a skill recognition process before, which usually triggers many questions. Examples of queries that we receive from interested clients include:

    • How is the assessment performed? Our team will set you up with online access to your evaluation. We coordinate with you to find a day and a time that doesn’t impede your work schedule so that you can give the assessment your undivided attention.
    • Will I receive a certificate in recognition of my skills? Obtaining a certificate as a result of your assessment is something you should take pride in, and why we provide every client with a certificate that they can display in their home or office.
    • What documentation do you need? Our team will let you know precisely what we need to perform the assessment. Pre-enrolment documentation, as well as workplace information and other supporting documents, are examples of what we will request. You can provide this information to us via e-mail. If you have concerns about what we need, just let us know.

What You Can Expect from Trade Skills Australia Regarding Skills Recognition in QLD

Our team wants to see you make the most out of your skills recognition assessment in QLD, which is why you can always expect the following from us:

    • Multiple certificate options: Are you interested in becoming a boilermaker? Perhaps you have an affinity for welding? Do you consider yourself a jack of all trades? Regardless of your answer, we provide you with the opportunity to earn a variety of certificates that help to authorise your skillset.
    • Fast response times: We understand that you want to move forward with an assessment as soon as possible. When you trust us with your skills assessment needs, you can count on a fast response time around your unique schedule.
    • Two site access: Do you feel more comfortable talking in-person to a member of our team about your skills assessment? Not a problem. We maintain a location in both West Lakes and Greenmount to cater to your needs. Our Greenmount site is by appointment only, so be sure to contact us ahead of time if you would like to come to this location.

The Best Advice You Can Hear Regarding a Skill Recognition Assessment

At Trade Skills Australia, we pride ourselves on offering our clients every opportunity to capitalise on their career goals. Don’t waste any more time second-guessing whether you can enhance the skills you already possess. Contact us today for more information.

RPL Australia


RPL Australia

Trade Skills Australia - RPL AUSTRALIA

What do you do if you have all the skills you need for a job, but you are non-qualified according to the job spec? We deliver relevant, high standard, compliant RPL service in Australia to have you assessed and working in no time. If you work in fabrication or mechanical engineering, we will be sure to evaluate you and recognise prior learning courses in a range of certifications.

Fast Facts About RPL Courses in Australia

In most hands-on jobs, you learn most of your skills during informal training or learning the ropes. We know that it is not fair to judge one’s ability to do a job simply based on a certificate, which is why we can assess you in the following Australian qualifications:

    • MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade. For you to obtain a certificate in general mechanical engineering, we will assess your skills as fitter and turner, machinist, operator, maintainer or technician.
    • MEM31419 Certificate III in Engineering – Fixed and mobile plant mechanic. We can assess your fixed and mobile plant mechanics skills that include experience as diesel, HD and Plant mechanic, among others.
    • MEM30319 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade. With an emphasis on surface finishing. Specific jobs include spray painter, powder coater, and industrial painter.

Very often, skills that you perform with your hands or learn as an apprentice are not valued or accredited through RPL courses in Australia. We want to change that through an assessment of your boiler making, welding, sheet metalworking, surface finishing, fitting and machining skills.

What You Can Expect from us Regarding Recognition of Prior Learning in Australia

To obtain a recognition of prior learning certificate in Australia, you must provide us with certain information before assessing your skills.

    • Convenience. We provide you with online assessments so we can work around your schedule. We support you to make the process fast and efficient.
    • Assessment. Once we have processed your application, our assessor will contact you to do a technical and a documentary assessment of your relevant skills.
    • Submission. For us to truly know that you can do your job, we further require any supporting or workplace evidence in the form of documents that will allow us to provide you with a full certificate.

We aim to provide a fast, compliant assessment of your skills and knowledge. You can find us in West Lakes and Greenmount, but our assessments mainly take place online for efficiency. We advise that you contact us first on the journey of career enhancement so that you know what documentation we will require from you during the process.

About Trade Skills Australia

We want you to gain all the recognition of prior learning you can for your on the job skills through an intensive skills assessment so that you have certification for your skills and knowledge. We have a set price for Cert Engineering 3 and 4, respectively, and you can download our fees and pricing structure, or you can contact us if you require more information on our process or certification.