Working in Hot Environments


Working in Hot Environments

Tradesperson working on a piece of metal, generating sparks in a hot environment, demonstrating expertise in metal fabrication and industrial trades

Our body has a limit to maintaining a healthy body temperature. 

Excessive heat exposure can cause illnesses due to the inability of the body to maintain a tolerable and healthy body temperature. These illnesses can be heat exhaustion, heat cramps, dehydration, heatstroke, and fainting. 

Symptoms for heat-related conditions include dizziness, sweating, visual disturbances, fainting, nausea, and muscle cramps.

Risk management means ensuring we have robust processes in place to make sure we’re following our safety and healthy hot work environment policies.

The Risk Management Process in Hot Workplaces

Identifying Hazards

Hazard identification includes:

  • Getting an overview of the workflow
  • Reviewing the types of machinery and equipment, and
  • Defining the intensity of work to carry out

When we’re identifying hazards, we’re looking for the possibility of harm and danger to us or our workmates. It even includes defining temperatures in the work environment, the duration of the work, and the impact on workers. 

It also involves pointing out any problems with heat encountered by the workers. 

Moreover, our managers need to review incident and injury records to identify ways to minimise future risk.

Assessing Risks

Risk assessment is understanding the degree of harm, its nature, and the probability of risk  happening. It involves the identification of the related control measures and the urgency of the actions needed. Should you invest in a machine that has a better temperature efficiency? Does that gas boiler located beside the worker pose any danger? Is there any machine that can carry out the work instead of workers?

Controlling Risks

Risk control is the implementation of the most effective measures that are both reasonably practical yet effective in the long term. The objective of the risk controls is to minimize and eliminate the hazards.

One example is shifting the work hours to nighttime when the temperature is more relaxed and using HVAC units to manage the temperature in the workplace. Another is to isolate workers from various machinery or swapping physical work to a machine. Similarly, the provision of personal protective equipment is necessary to reduce risks and better eliminate the hazards.  

How to identify if a worker is acclimated to heat?

Our body is adaptable to different temperatures, especially when exposed many times. When a worker is acclimatised to heat, they may begin to sweat more and have more ability to regulate body temperature. But, this is high risk because indicators of the body being acclimatised to heat vary from person to person.  

In risk management, introducing an acclimatisation program to help workers manage work in hot environments is another way to reduce risk of exposure. 

What should workers do if the work is unsafe due to the heat?

When workers have concerns about an unsafe workplace due to heat, they have every right to cease or refuse to perform the job. It is a fundamental human right to protect ourselves from immediate and imminent hazards caused by heat exposure or any other factor.

But, management can implement a policy regarding workers with reasonable concern about heat exposure and unsafe work environments, such as giving immediate notice to the management should they have ceased work.  

What is the maximum temperature where workers are required to stop work?

Work health and safety laws do not specifically identify a maximum temperature required to stop work. The temperature alone can not be the sole indicator of a hazardous workplace. It can be affected by different factors such as duration and intensity of work, humidity, and a worker’s physical condition.

Yet, work health and safety laws require you to manage risk in the heat by minimising and eliminating hazards. You are required to preserve life by maintaining a workplace with utmost health and safety to workers.

How to handle working in a hot workplace?

When handling work safety in a hot environment, it is crucial to perform reasonable judgment and prioritize the safety of workers. There may be no specific temperatures because other essential factors in the hot workplace make it unsafe for workers. The best thing to do is to have practical and reasonable judgment if the workplace is still safe for work. Otherwise, it is up to all of us to implement the necessary measures to minimize and eliminate workplace hazards.

Is an Engineer a Tradie?


Is an Engineer a Tradie?

Engineer in a hard hat and vest standing in front of a ship at the dock, highlighting expertise in maritime engineering and port operations
There are engineers, there are tradies, and then there are engineering tradies.

Confusing? We thought so! So we decided to lay it all out and answer the question, is an engineer a tradie?

Let’s dive in.

What’s the difference between an engineer and an engineering tradie?

An engineer isn’t a tradie but a tradie can be an engineer. In fact, there are various kinds of engineers and a tradesperson is, well, a tradie that’s oozing with skills. Let’s look at the similarities and differences between an engineer and an engineering tradesperson:

    • Both offer a wide variety of job opportunities – whether you want to do the blueprints or you love getting your hands dirty, pursuing engineering or engineering trades is a great pathway for success.
    • Working intensely with your hands for hundreds of hours a year is also a plus for both career choices as you are constantly exposed to new and challenging opportunities.
    • Great pay! Need we say more?
    • Although both have tangible results, engineers are required to think about theoretical matters as well as practical ones, while tradespeople focus on the process and application of it.
    • Engineers have to graduate from a university, whereas tradespeople will do an apprenticeship and go to a tertiary trades collage instead. 
    • The career path of an engineering graduate is fixed; which means, they can become masters of their crafts. On the other hand, engineering tradies can concentrate on a number of fields depending on where their interests head as they progress through their career.

Which One’s for You?

It’s amazing to know that both are perfectly crafted professions mustered for every endeavor you chose to take, both require physical strength and stamina.

A lot of tradies will start out their apprenticeship and find their interests move towards an engineering trade. This means they want to use their skills to build, fabricate or maintain fixed or mobile equipment, machines, structures or plant.

When a tradie has been working as a trades assistant for long enough, they might qualify for a specific qualification in their engineering trade of choice. A lot of tradies might also like to diversify their qualifications. In other words, they will start out with a Fabrication Trade Boilermaking qualification and decide they want a second qualification in Fabrication Trade Sheet Metal Working, for example.

The good news is, Trade Skills Australia offers a diverse selection of skills assessment and recognition services for qualifications in fabrication and mechanical engineering through RPL. From boilermaking to welding to even becoming a certified mobile plant mechanic, you name it.

Let’s take a look at specific engineering trades qualifications.

Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (Boilermaking) – Boilermakers typically assemble, install, and repair boilers, closed vats, and other large vessels or containers that hold liquids and gases. 

Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (Welding) – Welders, also known as structural steel and welding trades workers, work with iron and steel. They cut, shape, join, and solder metals together for projects both large and small. They may also repair large structures like ships or buildings or smaller products like watches or furniture.

Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (Sheet Metal Working) – Their job involves using specifications and equipment like hammers, grinders and torches to shape the metal and then assembling it through welding and bolting.

Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (Surface Finishing) – This qualification covers chemical and mechanical surface preparation, including abrasive blasting to Australian Standard 1627 and protective coating application and inspection to Australian Standard 3894.

Certificate III in Engineering Fabrication Trade (General) – This qualification covers a broad skill set for a candidate’s that consider themselves to be a “jack of all trades” but do not specialise in a specific skill set within their fabrication environment.

Certificate III in Engineering Mechanical Trade (Fitting) – This qualification is for Candidates that typically work in manufacturing or engineering plants where they manufacture and install mechanical machinery and equipment, as well as maintaining and keeping existing equipment operational. Mechanical Fitters work in such areas as oil and gas, manufacturing, marine, mining and maintenance.

Certificate III in Engineering Mechanical Trade (Machining) – A machining specialist studies drawings and specifications to determine suitable material, method, sequence of operations and machine settings on a variety of material shaping machines. They also fit fabricated components into assemblies, use precision measuring equipment to check for accuracy and tolerances, shape cutting tools and perform maintenance tasks on the machines.

Certificate III in Engineering Mechanical Trade (General) – This qualification covers a broad skill set for a candidate’s that consider themselves to be a “jack of all trades” but do not specialise in a specific skill set within their mechanical engineering environment.

Certificate III in Engineering – Fixed and Mobile Plant Mechanic – The skills associated with this qualification are intended to apply to a wide range of trade work including manufacturing, assembly and commissioning of mobile and stationary plant, servicing, diagnosis and rectification of faults, condition monitoring and preventative maintenance.

Certificate IV in Engineering – This qualification is also suitable for Candidates that have held a leadership role within the metal, engineering, manufacturing, and associated industries.

There is quite a resemblance between engineering and engineering trade. However, studying its major differences would help you choose the right career. As mentioned earlier, engineers are required to go to a university, pick their engineering pathways and complete their study with a degree, while engineer tradespeople follow their career pathway through an apprenticeship.

Engineers tend to focus on the theoretical side of the job, while engineer tradespeople focus on the application and the practical side of the job. Engineers and engineering tradespeople are highly valued for the work they do.

We now know the similarities and differences between the two, and its long-term career pathways. Trade Skills Australia’s highest objective is to use skills recognition and assessment to assist trades people and international engineering tradies to become more employablein Australia..

Help us help you. Take the next step towards a full qualification.

Contact us today to learn more about the prior learning assessment process and the potential to take your work to the next level.

Is it time to get the job you want with the qualification you need? Contact us and find out how we can help you today!

Advantages and Disadvantages of FIFO Work


Advantages and Disadvantages of FIFO Work


Ever wondered if FIFO work is for you? We’ve been doing our research and have come up with 6 advantages and disadvantages of FIFO work in Australia. If you’ve ever wondered if FIFO work is the step in your career you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive in!

What FIFO is like in Australia

Have you ever heard of FIFO? Nope, it’s not a new alien spaceship that landed on planet Earth, nor the new found friend of Nemo (the fish). It’s actually more than that. 

To those who are new in this field, FIFO simply means “Fly In, Fly Out.” FIFO jobs are those which involve employees being flown to their workplace for the duration of a contract before being flown back to a preferred location, and is one of the most popular working arrangements chosen by young trades professionals in Australia. FIFO rosters come in many different shapes and sizes, one example might be a 7-14 day roster of 12-hour shifts, followed by the same duration for rest. Some examples are: tradesperson, hospitality roles, nurses, driller, mechanic, and mining – the most in demand of all.

Did you know that one Western Australia leads the world when it comes to the use of FIFO mine employees? The Australian State currently has between 6,000 and 7,000 interstate FIFO workers employed in its massive mining sector. 

There are approximately 60,000 FIFO workers in Australia and this is fuelled by the large resource sector in the country. With a strong demand for our exports, many mining companies require a huge workforce in remote areas. In the country, because most FIFO work is done in the mines, the biggest opportunities are in Western Australia. While there are many jobs in Perth, you can also find work on the other side of the country. Islands like the Whitsundays have a huge demand for FIFO workers, especially in the hospitality sector. Outside of mining, luxurious resorts are always on the lookout for kitchen staff who can fly in, fly out.

Are you up for a FIFO arrangement?

Skilled trades require special skills, abilities, knowledge, and is a hands-on job. Although it is the most in demand employer-employee arrangement in most countries, FIFO has a set of requirements that go outside the normal 9-5. In fact, Trade Skills Australia offer skills assessment and recognition services for qualifications in fabrication and mechanical engineering such as: Certificate in Engineering Fabrication Trade – in boilermaking, sheet metal working, welding, surface finishing, and many more. If you’re a skilled worker but are still not qualified, this is the best place to start as Trade Skills Australia is the best RPL provider in Australia to get you qualified to enter the FIFO workforce fast.

The Pros and Cons of FIFO Work

Just like any other job, FIFO has its own share of manageable to difficult expectations. For example, one hard truth is FIFO work considerably diminishes your social life as you work about 84 hours a week and are, obviously, away from your family and friends. We’ve come up with six  advantages and disadvantages of being a FIFO worker that will help anyone considering the FIFO life:

Advantages being a FIFO worker


Tempting generous compensation -

the FIFO experience is lucrative and rewarding as it not only provides your personal salary, but also your personal expenses like travel, accommodation, and more.


Consistent rotation system -

if you work 6 days straight, you’ll typically get 6 days straight of rest after. This method has been the very gist of FIFO to keep the work-life balance an employee deserves.

Freedom and flexibility in your work location –

you can live where you choose. Mining companies have been considerate to both current and potential FIFO workers by willingly allowing them to choose from a wide-range of locations. Bottomline is, working FIFO means that even if you change mining jobs, you probably won’t have to relocate your family or move away from home. If you’re a nature lover, then this is perfect for you!

There’s a distinction between work and home –

balance, in terms of time, is one of the best assets in the FIFO community. It recognizes the value of your time for your family and friends. They can even extend it for you!

Growth is essential to anyone’s career path –

as a FIFO worker, this will be lavishly offered to you as bigger opportunities are possible. Once you’ve proved yourself, there is the potential to move into another job or area. If it’s knowledge and career development you’re after, the mining industry is a great place to seek it out.

The work environment and facilities are generally well planned –

depending on your company’s location, most FIFO sites are equipped with their own gyms, basketball courts, swimming pools, and internet connections. Yup, you’ve read that right. This is to provide accessible comfort to all workers – for FREE.

Disadvantages being a FIFO worker


Shift hours can be super long –

as long as 12 hours straight and sometimes, even more. Given its strategic and challenging locations, FIFO work could be exhaustingly demanding. This could be the most daunting challenge one can face when venturing in this industry. Add night shift into the mix and fatigue becomes a huge factor.

The long distance relationship

between friends and family could leave great emotional implications. On top of that, when a FIFO worker comes home they are often very tired for the first few days so they don’t often have the energy for their social life. If they’re flying home from a night shift, their exhaustion levels are considerably higher.

Mental health at play –

with burnout and sleep deprivation due to the long hours of work plus the inaccessible family and friends, feeling isolated and depressed is not uncommon for FIFO workers. Since the work environment has its fixed routine, the repetitive adaptation could lead to psychological distress.

Most sites are remote,

so it is expected that FIFO workers are more exposed to harsh environments such as: extreme temperatures, dust, pests and harsh terrains.

Inconsistency in body clock

adaptation is very tiring, but necessary. Besides adapting to the work shifts, a FIFO worker also needs to adjust to the life and work set up.

As mentioned before, social life is technically impossible for a FIFO worker’s plate. Aside from the distance, the long hours makes it impossible to organize or even attend social events.

Where to start for getting FIFO work in Australia

If you’ve finally decided that you want to give this a go, one way is to apply to work in the Shutdown environment.

Another way is to start in general services and work your way up to your desired qualification level.

Another way is to simply get qualified through RPL and then apply for the job you’re qualified to do.

You can also enter the FIFO workforce through apprenticeships, but if you’ve been a trade assistant for 5+ years you can contact TSA about getting qualified so you can get straight to the role you’re meant to have.

Go to trade shows and expos and talk to the people in the stalls. Get to know who’s in HR or in the department you want to work for and build a relationship with them.

Research, figure out which company you want to work for and get really familiar with their values and business goals. The better you understand these, the more chance you have of landing a job.


There is no such thing as a perfect job. Venturing into “FIFO life” has its own pros and cons, but if you’re willing to be away from home, then you could easily manage and balance strong relationships with your family and loved ones. As we put it, it will be your home away from home. So, before you commit, make sure you’re prepared for what your new home will look like.Is it time to get the job you want with the qualification you need? Contact us and find out how we can help you today!

4 Reasons Why we’re one of the Best RPL Provides in Australia: TRADE SKILLS AUSTRALIA


4 Reasons Why we’re one of the Best RPL Provides in Australia: TRADE SKILLS AUSTRALIA

Worker in an orange vest stands in front of a factory, ready to carry out his duties, highlighting industrial work and safety practices

Trade Skills Australia is the ONLY company in Australia that is 100% dedicated to helping skilled trades workers get the qualifications they need via RPL.

While there are some companies that offer similar services, we don’t outsource any part of the RPL process because we are a Registered Training Organisation, we don’t need to outsource.

We use the RPL process so that trades workers who have been in the industry for over 5 years can get the qualifications they need for the skills they have!

Ever wondered what makes Trade Skills Australia one of the highest rated RPL providers in Australia?

Let’s get into it! 

We are NOT brokers

Many of our competitors are brokers, meaning they assist their clients in obtaining a qualification from their network of RTO’s, but they don’t provide that service themselves. 
Trade Skills Australia is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), meaning that we provide the entire service, not just referring you to the right people (we are the right people!).

The person you speak to on day one will be the person guiding you through the entire experience, and if our reviews are anything to go by, we do a top notch job of it. 

We stay on top of current qualifications

Our team is constantly doing research and ensuring that all of the qualifications we provide are current, and nationally recognised.

We would never let someone use their hard earned money trying to get a qualification that is the wrong qualification, no longer current or useful to them.

You never have to worry about going through the process only to find you have a useless qualification you can’t do anything with.

We have Australia’s largest network of international liaisons

We liaise directly with organisations all over the world to help qualified trades people from other countries get the equivalent qualification in Australia.

You can view our full network of liaisons on our website, but we liaise with organisations in Ghana, Canada, The Caribbean and Germany, just to name a few. 

If you need to get your current international qualification recognised in Australia, we are the team to help you do it!

Don’t just take our word for it!

We have a huge collection of positive reviews from our network of previous clients (38, 5-star reviews and counting).

Trade Skills Australia has the best communication techniques that are used when carrying out assessments. They have excellent knowledge skills on what is required for one to get the trade skill certification.

Trade Skills Australia offer the best services for Australian trade qualifications suited for everyone’s needs.

The criteria that they use and all their questions are easy to understand and assignments are that which are practical and up to date with the world class industry. Therefore, the professionalism that they give out is of world class standard and I would recommend everyone to do assessments with them.
With reviews like this, it’s clear that we are the people to go to when looking to gain your qualifications via RPL.

Added bonus (just for you)

We’ll make sure you never get stuck paying for a qualification you can’t use, because we are constantly monitoring the industry and updating the certifications we provide.


Our knowledgeable staff are here to help you go after the career you want.

We make the entire process as pain free as we possibly can for each and every one of our candidates by breaking down the barriers between you and the qualifications you need.

Ready to take the plunge? Click here to get started.

Head to our Articles page for 7 reasons why tradies don’t finish their apprenticeships or info on how changes to visas will help Australia’s skills gap…. and more!

Trade Skills Australia RTO Code: 45637 is a Registered Training Organisation dedicated to providing intensive skills assessment services to non-qualified but skilled engineering trades workers. We help national and international tradies gain better employment opportunities in Australia. Get the qualification you need for the job you want with Trades Skills Australia. Contact us to find out how.

7 Reasons why Tradies don’t Finish their Apprenticeships


7 Reasons why Tradies don’t Finish their Apprenticeships

Welder in protective gear repairing machinery, showcasing expertise in industrial welding and equipment maintenance

At some point in our lives, there are things that may not turn out to be what we expected.  Whether it is what we want or not, some things are just not meant to be.  And this, too, goes with the apprenticeship.

In Australia, the apprenticeship is the start of building a career path. It combines time at work with training and can be completed full-time, part-time or while you are still at school. From community services and health, travel and tourism, communication and information technology, financial services, agriculture and horticulture, and government, you can land a better job position and qualification when you enter the apprenticeship. 

Here are the benefits of getting an apprenticeship in Australia.

    • You can earn a wage while learning a skill. 
    • Develop practical skills specific to the occupation or industry you are interested in
    • Gain a nationally-recognised qualification which is the basis for further education and training over the course of your working life.
    • Increase your value as a professional and qualified employee.
    • And a whole lot more!

The traditional pathway to build a career is to enter an apprenticeship and complete 4 years of training to obtain a qualification. These qualifications are the basis to climb the ladder for a higher position – which means, higher salary and perks. 

Without a doubt, an apprenticeship is the best way to start your career pathway. But, there are cases of non-completion of apprenticeship. According to a report, half of all tradies were not able to complete their apprenticeship contracts. At this high rate, there must be a reason for apprenticeship termination.

Luckily, we have here gathered the key REASONS why tradies do not finish their apprenticeship.

Loss of employment

We can not overstate the influence of the employer on the non-completion of apprenticeship. In fact, when the tradie lost his employment, the apprenticeship contract is now terminated. Losing employment may have key factors such as low performance at work, inefficiency, or just being unhappy in the job role or workplace. Added to these is the recurring pandemic that has adversely affected many businesses which impact the employment rate. 

Started a family

Once the tradie started a family, priorities may shift including the career.  Traditionally, a young family will have one of the couple who will be left at home to attend to the kids. Getting a nanny in Australia can be costly and not easy because of the requirements imposed by the government. 

Didn’t like the trainer or trainer didn’t like the trainee

When there are issues arising between the trainer and trainee, the usual escape of the trainee is to leave the apprenticeship. One reason may be displeasure with the quality of the teaching or the treatment of the trainee in the classroom. It was common practice in the early 2000’s for trainers to encourage employers to terminate training contracts if the trainer didn’t like the trainee’s attitude towards the training or their work ethic. 

Limitation in location

Some tradies that are into the mining industry may experience a limitation in location as the industry is traditionally located in a remote location or site.  Getting an apprenticeship in a FIFO arrangement may be stressful due to the location of the site with implications such as longer time away from home or family, being alone, and etc. Similarly, some tradies may be located in a rural location and could not undertake a time to a trade school.

Outdated trade course

If the tradie was not provided with an informed choice, chances are they may be able to land an apprenticeship in the outdated trade course. The outdated trade course is not helping the tradie improve or build his career pathway.  Some apprenticeships that started before 1998 may belong to an industry not considered as current. Thus, it is important to choose the best school so that you can ensure that you are on track to build a great career and qualies.

Unrecognised trades

If the trade is unrecognised, tradies may opt to just terminate the apprenticeship. Some trade courses were not recognised 5 years ago so you may need to check with your school. Otherwise, they will be wasting time, money, and effort over the years of training on the unrecognised trades.

Transitioned to another trade

Some tradies transitioned to another trade over the course of their career. For example, a mechanical fitter may shift to a diesel fitter or an automotive mechanic to a mobile plant mechanic.

PLUS — bonus bonus reason
Society needs change

Yes, that is right. If we want success, then society needs change, as well as the needs of the engineering trades industry to keep up with the needs of changing technology and human consumer habits.

Regardless of the reason for non-completion of apprenticeship, tradies should not be denied the opportunity to obtain the qualities they need for the job they deserve.

We at Trade Skills Australia ensure that every tradie will be given the opportunity to the job that matches their education and skills and starts building a great career.  We understand the challenges that may come along with the apprenticeship but we are dedicated to providing excellent and intensive skills assessment services that help them gain better employment opportunities within Australia.

Is it time to get the job you want with the qualification you need? Contact us and find out how we can help you today!

How changes to Visas will help Australia’s Skills Gap


How changes to Visas will help Australia’s Skills Gap

Large dump truck driving on a dirt road, illustrating transportation in industrial and mining operations

Australia’s skilled labour shortage, and possible solutions.

You may have heard that Australia is experiencing a national skills crisis, but what many don’t want to acknowledge is that there may be a simple solution to the problem.

We’ve all heard the tired argument that migrants are taking our jobs (which has been disproven time and time again), but the conversation is now shifting. More people are acknowledging that migrants may be the solution to Australia’s skills shortage.

In fact, some are saying there is no shortage at all when you factor in all of the experienced, yet unemployed migrants in Australia.

There are, sadly, hundreds of thousands of skilled migrants out of work in Australia. This data shows that there were an estimated 1.9 million migrants in Australia in 2019, and yet only 68% were employed. That leaves over 600,000 migrants in Australia that are out of work and instead of being able to work in their chosen field, are taking any jobs that they can find (food delivery, uber etc.) because they are being overlooked by Australian employers in their chosen fields.

These migrant workers are often significantly more qualified for the available positions than the state average, but despite this fact, the unemployment rate amongst this group is almost double the country’s average.

Generally, when there are shortages in certain industries, the pay wage in that sector skyrockets in an attempt to draw in applicants to bridge the gap.Whereas currently, the opposite is happening. For the past decade wages growth in this sector has been the slowest on record.

So if skilled labour is in such short supply, why aren’t the industry wages being raised by desperate employers trying to find the workers they need?

Food for thought!

What is being done to help migrant workers get and maintain work in Australia?

The Morrison government has decided to extend certain types of work visas in an attempt to make it easier for skilled migrants to remain in Australia and to continue working in critical sectors (including labour skills).

Minister Hawke has stated that “The changes complement the Government’s recent announcement that fully vaccinated eligible temporary and provisional visa holders may enter Australia without a travel exemption from 1 December 2021,”. He also added that
“This is a special concession recognising those highly skilled migrant workers who chose to stay in Australia throughout the pandemic, while continuing to address Australia’s acute shortages. This allows them to stay here, with a pathway to Australian citizenship,”.  

How does this help the skills shortage?

As we mentioned above, there are hundreds of thousands of skilled workers in Australia, willing and ready to help. Extending their visas and allowing them to stay in Australia longer means there are more opportunities for them to fill the gap and help relieve the pressure in their industries. 

What can you do?

If you are an Australian employer in an industry experiencing a skilled labour shortage, the best thing you can do to rectify the situation and keep your company afloat is to not overlook migrant workers who apply for open positions. If they are qualified, have the required level of experience and have good references, give them a go! 

What Trade Skills Australia do to help lessen the impact of the skills shortage?

We help migrants who are qualified in other countries gain their Australian qualifications through RPL to make the process of finding work easier. We offer qualifications for a wide range of in demand trades including:

  • Boilermaking
  • Welding
  • Industrial Painting
  • Fitting
  • Machining
  • And several more! You can find a full list of the qualifications we offer here.

In addition to the qualifications we offer, we have also developed a network of global relations to ensure that we always have the answer, no matter the circumstances. We are the only company like us that we know of who have spent as much time and energy building these relationships and ensuring that we can help as many people as possible.

You can find a more in depth list of the most in demand skills in Australia here.


Although we are experiencing a skills shortage in Australia, there are plenty of migrant workers who have the skills, knowledge and know how to change this, employers just need to open their minds and give them a chance.

If you are a migrant worker who is internationally qualified and looking to get certified to Australian standards via RPL, we can help! Simply head to the contact us page and reach out! We’d love to help.

If you aren’t sure what RPL is, or would like some more information on how it works, you can read more here:

* You can find more information from the Morrison Gov here
** For more information on the skills crisis, click here

Is it time to get the job you want with the qualification you need? Contact us and find out how we can help you today!